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Syr Gabryel


Syr Gabryel is an extravagant and fascinating character who with each and every track of his first album "No Taboo" showers us with positive energy. Let us recount his story...
One upon a time there was a planet called Kyrone, so distant from the earth we do not know for sure it belonged to our galaxy.

Kyrone was shaken by an eruption that spawned a beautiful diamond and shot it into space. A dark-furred, winged panther caught it in its claws and left it on earth to open and give birth to Syr Gabryel, who was raised in the wilderness by these catlike creatures, from another world too.
Syr Gabryel’s desire to communicate, his inquisitive nature, take him to journeys across the five continents to meet those who will soon become his friends. Traveling so far and spending time with people from so many different origins opened his mind, and he could learn all the languages spoken in the world.
Syr Gabryel’s head is full of ideas and most of the projects he embarks on are both ahead of their time and very successful!
After having looked into this activity and that, he found singing was the way to best express himself, to entertain us while spreading a message of tolerance. Sincere and helpful, Syr Gabryel is of no religion. He loves things we might deem futile, but possessing them is for him a guaranty of happiness. He actually has no problem whatsoever with this materialistic side to his personality and enjoys living in his house with a view over his favourite landscape of snowy mountaintops and lakes.
What’s beautiful and what’s non-essential matter as much (to his life and to his creativity) as the boundless love he gives and receives.
The album No Taboo is just like Syr Gabryel: fresh, exuberant, happy and truly original. The record, made of songs in almost every language, is a tribute to his friends around the world and also tu us, his soon-to-be friends.
Is Syr Gabryel a myth, is he a real person? The answer awaits you...


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  • Syr Gabryel - Mashallah


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